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Veterans Resource Center

The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is a place where people can receive information about educational benefits.

Our Mission

The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is a place where people can receive information about educational benefits.  While it is open to anyone, typically, student veterans and/or family members of veterans can be found in the Center and are willing to offer assistance and support for students who are making the transition to college from the military. The Center has a computer for student use and a comfortable environment for socializing with other veterans. Bulletin boards outside of the Center are maintained by officers in the UW-Barron County Student Vets Club who post current news articles and notices from county and state veteran offices.

Where is the VRC and when is it open?

The VRC is located next to Campus Counselors office in Meggers Hall in room M158. The Center is open during regular campus hours. Feel free to stop in throughout the day as there are usually many students in the VRC who may be of assistance to you.

Who visits the Center? Is it only for Veterans?

The VRC is open to everyone. Anyone interested in finding out more about veteran issues or serving is more than welcome. The VRC is a great place to interact with others that share your experiences.

What will I find at the Center?

The Center offers a place for veterans, families of veterans and students to come together and get answers to questions that can make the transition from a military lifestyle to a college lifestyle and provide a stable support network.

Whom should I contact for more information?

Miranda Cross-Schindler

Veterans Club

The Veterans Club supports students who have served in the military or are currently serving transition to a student lifestyle. The UW-Barron County Veterans Club is a campus organization that brings visibility to veteran students and patriotism.

Meetings: 2nd Monday of every month in Room M150 at Noon
Advisor: Miranda Cross-Schindler

Veterans Club Board

President - Johnathan Fritz
Everything else open.

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